Nestmedic is one of six companies invited, presented its Pregnabit device during an official signature that the President put down under a new act on innovation in the Presidential Palace. The new law provides for, among other things, abolishing income tax on intellectual property introduced to a company as of January 1, 2017. Also, the new law provides small and medium-sized companies with a possibility of deducting from the due tax the cost of obtaining a patent. Thank you for the recognition and invitation.
More information on the involvement of Nestmedic and Pregnabit in th following video,412130,gowin-ustawa-o-innowacyjnosci-to-pomost-laczacy-naukowcow-z-przedsiebiorcami.html
More information on the involvement of Nestmedic and Pregnabit in th following video,412130,gowin-ustawa-o-innowacyjnosci-to-pomost-laczacy-naukowcow-z-przedsiebiorcami.html