
NESTMEDIC, a partner for Śląskie Spotkania Położniczo Ginekologiczne (Silesia Obstetrics and Gynecology Conference)

On April 6-8, 2017, in Zabrze and Katowice, the First “Silesia Obstetrics and Gynecology” International Conference was held. The honorary patronage over the event organized by Komitet Naukowy Centrum Zdrowia Kobiety i Dziecka (A Scientific Committee for Woman’s and Child’s Health) at the Municipal Hospital in Zabrze managed by Prof. Jerzy Sikora, was taken by: The Polish Gynecological Association, the President of Zabrze and the Dean of the Silesia Medical University.
Proud of being a partner of the conference, Nestemedic SA had the pleasure to present at its stand the PREGNABIT device, an innovative telemedical CTG solution.