We have the pleasure to announce that as of August 16, 2017 the Board of Nestmedic SA is joined by Barbara Załęska, an experienced manager and financial specialist. She gained her education and professional experience, among others, in Canada, the Czech Republic, Singapore and France. In our Company, she will be responsible for the strategy and business development, including commercialization of the Pregnabit® system in Poland and abroad. Barbara will also support the other directors with her experience in their work on internal company set-up and gearing it for growth and successful transition to the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Barbara has many years of professional experience working on financial markets and for a leading consultancy providing strategic advice services. For five years, she worked as a Stock Exchange Analyst for Wood & Company Financial Services and for another five years, she managed projects in the Warsaw office of The Boston Consulting Group. Barbara has worked for the biggest Polish companies in the following areas: growth strategies, big transformations and M&A.
In Nestmedic, Barbara will be responsible for realization of the Company’s strategic goals, including commercialization of the Pregnabit® system in Poland and abroad.
– Nestmedic is an expansion-oriented company. For the expansion to be done properly, it is critical to assess the attractiveness of prospective markets, starting and establishing business relationships with resellers and providing the telemonitoring service for the patients using the Pregnabit system abroad in compliance with the local regulations concerning the provision of medical services. Thanks to my professional experience, I will be able to ensure that Nestmedic’s expansion to foreign markets is successful and carried out in line with the general strategy of the Company development. I will also be able to implement it successfully, says Barbara.
We have already started first activities in this respect, among other things, co-operating with the Fraunhofer Institute, we have carried out an analysis of the German market. Following our strategy, we are also focusing, among others, on Spain, Italy and France.
– Since the very beginning, we have always planned to expand our distribution network beyond Poland. Now that we are in possession of resources, time and determination, it is time to start the expansion. Barbara Załęska, our new member of the Board, has the qualifications and experience needed for us to successfully venture onto the foreign markets, says Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, a co-founder and the CEO of Nestmedic SA.
Barbara graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), and also from INSEAD (studying in France and Singapore) where she obtained her MBA. Barbara is also a holder of a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certificate.