On 21–23 February at Sawela Lodge, Kenya, a conference of the Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society was held. Challenges related to the reproductive health in the 21st century were widely discussed. The representative of the Pregnabit system distributor in Kenya attended the event and presented the teleCTG solution to more than 200 participants.
Africa is a large and prospective market for telemedicine and it has serious and urgent needs with respect to equipment and qualified personnel. We are collaborating with a distribution partner in Kenya, so we can reach local medical centres with our information and offer of the teleCTG solution, e.g. by attending such conferences as the one at Sawela Lodge, says Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, CEO at Nestmedic SA.
The representatives of Nestmedic will also participate in other events in Kenya. On 20 March, Ligia Kornowska, Head of the Telemonitoring Medical Centre, will attend the Kenya-Poland Health Summit in Nairobi.