It is uplifting to receive confirmation that the Pregnabit system is an important and appreciated element of care for mother and her baby. We encourage you to take a quick look on Mrs. Sylwia’s opinion.
Pregnabit – I would recommend it to every mother. Our daughter Julia was wrapped around her neck with an umbilical cord. From the moment the device was borrowed, the whole family began to sleep soundly. Daily KTG anytime, anywhere you want. 30 minutes listening to the baby’s heart – something wonderful. Additionally – fast and comfortable contact with doctors who have been monitoring the results of our home tests on an ongoing basis. SMS with description in 1-2 min. from the moment you send the survey. Calm and friendly conversation with the midwife / doctor, even at night. Device really easy to use – our older daughters helped and reminded me about KTG every day.
Pregnabit – thank you!!! Robert Woytoń – Thank you for recommending teleKTG. In particular, we as a whole family would like to thank you for conducting pregnancy and professionally made C-section.
#Pregnabit – polecam każdej mamie.Nasza córeczka Julia, była owinięta pępowiną wokół szyi. Od momentu wypożyczenia…
Opublikowany przez Sylwia Charłampowicz Środa, 4 lipca 2018