We have signed a distribution agreement with the Nigerian company Health Cross Global Medical Solutions Company Limited. The contract defines the commercial principles of cooperation in the distribution of the Pregnabit system in Nigeria, the seventh largest country in the world, occupying a leading position in terms of the fertility rate. As part of the implementation of the agreement, about 295 devices for home CTG monitoring will be available in the market next year. This is our second foreign contract signed in recent weeks.
The Nigerian market is very promising. Nigeria is the seventh largest country in the world where nearly 5 million children are born each year. It is a very open market for innovations in medicine. The PwC report “New Technologies revolutionize the healthcare market” shows that as many as 94% of patients in Nigeria are open to the use of new technologies (compared to 39% in the United Kingdom). In addition, recently the authorities of the country put a lot of emphasis on the development of high-speed internet, which will enable the implementation of telemedicine solutions on a wider scale, allowing at the same time to facilitate access to healthcare.