
The CTG examination, using the Pregnabit teleCTG, will be performed by the midwife at the patient’s home.

We have implemented a new service for mothers in Poland. In cooperation with the web platform, it is possible to perform a CTG examination, using the Pregnabit teleCTG, by a midwife who will visit a mother at her home. This is a new quality in perinatal care.

We have been offering a new service for several weeks now – CTG examination at the patient’s home. This is the result of our cooperation with the web platform, which offers visits to the patient’s home. Their offer has been extended by CTG examination, using Pregnabit teleCTG. The scheme is simple and very functional. The interested mothers can make an appointment, via an internet platform or a phone call, for a midwife visit at home. The midwife visits the mother at her appointed date and performs the examination with the Pregnabit system. The examination result is available immediately, during the visit. This type of service can be especially important for mothers who have young children at home or for whom a visit to a clinic or hospital for CTG examination is problematic.

Beside a one-time examination, there is also a service of borrowing the Pregnabit device for a specified period. A mother, after training by the midwife, can independently perform the CTG examination at any time and anywhere.

More information about the new service is available at: