
Nestmedic starts a pilot project with the largest network of medical laboratories in Poland

Diagnostyka, the largest network of medical laboratories in Poland will manage pilot tests of our mobile CTG device, Pregnabit – a flagship product by Nestmedic. This November, the first Pregnabit devices will reach the selected establishments of Diagnostyka in Cracow. The implementation of the innovative telemedical solution heralds our commercial cooperation with the network. At the moment, Diagnostyka’s offer reaches 15 million patients a year, all over Poland.

Diagnostyka has over 800 facilities in Poland, dedicated to individual patients, and also cooperates with several thousand third-party healthcare facilities, offering over 2500 types of tests. A group that is strongly represented among cooperating professionals comprises gynaecologists and obstetricians.

The pilot implementation of the solution by Nestmedic at Diagnostyka’s laboratories is another important step towards commercialisation of the mobile teleCTG on the domestic market. The Pregnabit system with a dedicated platform for handling and analysing CTG test records will extend the portfolio of the network’s dedicated pregnancy care services. Indeed, pregnant women are an important group of patients for whom Diagnostyka already provides a wide range of tests and services. Remote teleCTG care will be a new and important part of the service proposal.

– The project of implementing the Pregnabit system fits squarely within our vision for the Group development. As the largest network of diagnostic laboratories in Poland, we want to expand our offer with prenatal services for female patients, including in the mobile form. Modern IT solutions that we use for quick diagnosis make it possible for doctors to choose optimal treatment and early prevention approaches. This is the reality that we are building with new generations in mind, says dr hab. n. med. Jakub Swadźba, Diagnostyka CEO.

The combination of Diagnostyka’s wide reach to patients with innovation and mobility provided by the Pregnabit system offers a real chance of improving the quality of perinatal care in Poland. In the parties’ opinion, the introduction of teleCTG to the network of Diagnostyka’s facilities will ultimately exert a positive impact on the availability of CTG examination across the country. It will also let patients borrow Pregnabit devices, including via doctors from smaller facilities and individual surgeries.

– Cooperation with such a large network of medical laboratories as Diagnostyka is a significant step for us in implementing Nestmedic’s development strategy. Diagnostyka’s offer reaches millions of patients a year. It is also addressed to doctors, nurses and midwives, and it employs modern IT solutions, which is invaluable in modern patient care. We are glad that together we can create a comprehensive care system for pregnant women. As we have teamed up with such a reputable partner, we believe that we will be able to abruptly increase the scale of our operations on the Polish market, comments dr n. med. Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, Nestmedic CEO.