An innovative telemedic company Nestmedic S.A. starts cooperation with the city of Wrocław. Pregnant women living in this city will be able to borrow a system for remote monitoring of fetal well-being – KTG Pregnabit for free.
The pilot program will last 4 months. As part of the agreement, Nestmedic provides KTG Pregnabit. The telemedicine device allows you to carry out the examination at any place and time, without the need to visit the hospital. The service is available 24/7. CTG records are analyzed on an ongoing basis by specialists from the Medical Telemonitoring Center. Qualified medical personnel is in constant contact with the patient and in case of irregularities in the examination they implement appropriate procedures, including calling an ambulance.– We are glad that subsequent local government authorities have decided to ensure the safety of pregnant women in their city. We hope that the pilot program that we are currently carrying out with the city of Wrocław will initiate cooperation with other cities and turn into a nationwide project that will cover all women – comments Jacek Gnich, president of Nestmedic.
A single pregnant woman, after reaching the 32nd week of pregnancy, can apply for a CTG Pregnabit device. Priority participation in the program will be given to women from the 36th week of pregnancy.