
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders

The Management Board of Nestmedic S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw _”Company”, “Issuer”_ announces that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Issuer’s Shareholders has been convened for 25 November 2022, which will commence at 10:00 a.m. at the Issuer’s registered office in Warsaw – 20 Pasymska Street, 01-993 Warsaw.

The detailed agenda of the convened Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company includes:
1. Opening of the General Meeting.
2. Election of the Chairman of the General Meeting. 
3. Adoption of a resolution on an increase in the share capital of Nestmedic S.A. by way of an issue of ordinary bearer series O shares by way of a private subscription and depriving the shareholders of the pre-emptive right to series O shares in full and amending the Articles of Association of Nestmedic S.A.
4. Adoption of a resolution to amend the Company’s Articles of Association providing for the authorisation of the Management Board to increase the share capital within the limits of the authorised capital, together with the possibility for the Management Board to exclude the pre-emptive rights of shareholders concerning any increase in the share capital within the limits of the authorised capital upon prior approval of the Supervisory Board.
5. Closing of the General Meeting.


Shareholders’ attention is drawn to the possibility of granting a proxy to attend and vote on behalf of Shareholders in accordance with the voting instructions. The proxy may be, among others, a designated employee of the Issuer. If you have any questions regarding proxy voting, please contact us at the following email address: