Nestmedic S.A. is the manufacturer of the innovative telemedicine solution Pregnabit® for remote monitoring of fetal well-being, through cardiotocography (CTG).
Cardiotocography makes it possible to monitor fetal heart rate, mother’s pulse, with simultaneous recording of uterine muscle contraction activity and fetal movements. The test is carried out as part of intensive prenatal care and also allows early detection of fetal life-threatening situations.
“Pregnabit System” consists of two compatible components: a mobile device for carrying out the CTG examination and the Pregnabit Cloud platform for remote analysis of CTG records by qualified medical personnel, 24/7. Thanks to the solution we offer, pregnant women can independently, in the comfort of their own home, perform cardiotocography at any time, which is the basic examination for assessing the condition of the fetus. Its recording is then sent to the Description Center, where it is analyzed by a medical specialist. Feedback on the result, returns to the patient, and in the event of a worrisome recording, the appropriate medical procedures are activated, including calling an ambulance. The CTG recordings generated by the Pregnabit® mobile system is equivalent to a stationary CTG in a hospital.
In 2022, the company launched a new generation of the device called Pregnabit Pro.
The product works in real time, transmitting the recording of the KTG test directly during the test to a telemedicine platform, thus enabling monitoring of fetal well-being by medical personnel, right from the first minutes of the test. The device is equipped with advanced algorithms and sound processing systems, so that the rhythm of the fetal heartbeat can be clearly heard by the mother-to-be and her surroundings. The device also features an improved, more intuitive and user-friendly design and interface that guides “step-by-step” through the examination process.
The company in June 2022 became the first manufacturer in the Polish market to boast MDR certification. At the same time, Nestmedic has also distinguished itself globally – it is the first company in the world to obtain MDR certification (as a medical device) for a mobile CTG.
At present, Nestmedic is conducting research and development, taking into account both new devices related to fetal well-being and the improvement of Pregnabit Pro. Soon, the Company plans to expand the device, with the function of a glucometer, or blood pressure testing, and introduce wireless probes equipped with light and vibration signaling, which will replace the wired ones and increase the comfort of the examination.