Pregnabit Pro

Remote medical CTG devicePregnabit Pro is a medical device operating in a telediagnostic model that supports the work of doctors and midwives. It is available to medical experts who perform teleCTG examinations or lend Pregnabit Pro to patients, as well as to patients who wish to perform CTG examinations at home. Pregnabit Pro allows patients in the third trimester of pregnancy to perform teleCTG examinations anytime and anywhere.

The essential function of Pregnabit Pro includes measuring fetal heart rate (FHR), uterine contraction activity (TOCO) and signaling fetal movements with a button while playing the sound recorded by the FHR probe, and the ability to send the collected data to the Pregnabit Cloud Telemedicine Platform.

Measurement of the FHR signal – the measurement is carried out through an ultrasound probe, made with piezoelectric elements, carrying out the measurement using the Doppler method in pulse mode. The resulting acoustic signal is then analyzed with a proprietary Nestmedic algorithm  
to determine the FHR value at a frequency of 4 Hz, along with determining the sample’s reliability level. Samples with a reliability below 0.35 are not displayed.

Measurement of the TOCO signal – the measurement is carried out by means of the TOCO probe, implementing a measurement involving the conversion of the pressure force into a voltage signal, which is measured by the Pregnabit Pro main unit. The signal is converted into units corresponding to a weight of 1.25 g each.  

Measurement of the MHR signal – this is measured via the infant’s pulse oximeter, which transmits the HR value to the main unit via Bluetooth. 

Measurement of the coincidence of maternal and fetal rhythms – the measurement is made by Nestmedic’s proprietary algorithm, which analyzes the values and shape of the FHR and MHR and, based on this, reports the risk of measuring the mother’s rhythm with the FHR probe. 

Measurement of fetal movement – is done by reporting the mother’s sensation of fetal movement using a button displayed on the screen (marked with a foot) or a physical button, located on the side of the device. 

Sending the examination to Pregnabit.Cloud – the device sends the measurement data in near real time using GSM 4G cellular connectivity or via Wi-Fi. 

Application: remote monitoring of fetal well-being by examining fetal heart rate (FHR probe), recording uterine muscle contraction activity (TOCO probe), counting fetal movements (FMM) and recording maternal heart rate (heart rate clip). The recorded measurement data allows for professional remote CTG diagnosis, i.e. teleCTG examination.

Pregnabit Pro is equipped with advanced algorithms and sound processing systems, so that the rhythm of the fetal heartbeat can be clearly heard by the mother and her surroundings. The product works in real time, transmitting the record of the CTG examination directly during the examiantion to a telemedicine platform, thus enabling medical personnel to monitor fetal well-being from the first minutes of the examination. The device also features an improved, more ergonomic, intuitive and user-friendly design and interface that guides “step-by-step” through the examination process.

technical specifications of Pregnabit Pro
information about mobile CTG Pregnabit Pro

Pregnabit Pro / Pregnaone CTG examination data flow

More information about our medical devices
CTG Examination platform Pregnabit Cloud
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