Management Board of Nestmedic S.A. based in Wrocław (hereinafter: the “Issuer”, “Company”) hereby corrects the Company’s annual report for 2019, published in the current EBI report No. 19/2020 on August 3, 2020 (supplemented by the EIB current report No. 20/2020).
With regard to the content of the Company’s individual annual report for 2019, the correction was made by:
a) Presentation of selected financial data in the version corresponding to the content of the separate financial statements, converted at the appropriate rate, with an indication that the comparable data for the balance sheet has been restated;
b) Updating, correcting and supplementing the information contained in the Management Board’s activity report by eliminating obvious typographical errors, adding a fragment entitled “Events that occurred after the end of the financial year until the date of approval of the financial statements”, updating “Risk related to achieved financial results” and “Risk related to key shareholders” by reference to the current data; adding “Risk related to the epidemiological situation and COVID 19”; removing the outdated risk related to the Company’s obligation to pay a contractual penalty;
c) Including information on the position of the Supervisory Board regarding the refusal to express an opinion on the separate financial statements, with the proviso that the opinion will be presented after the meeting of the Supervisory Board, which is convened on August 27, 2020 in a separate stock exchange report;
d) Supplementing the position of the Management Board regarding the refusal to express an opinion on the separate financial statements;
e) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the reliability of the preparation of the financial statements for the period from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
f) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the entity authorized to audit financial statements in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
g) Updated information on the application by the Company of the Best Practices of NewConnect Listed Companies by indicating that the Issuer, in the current EBI report No. 37/2019, departed from the practice of publishing monthly reports, i.e. from the application of rule No. monthly for January 2020.
h) Making minor editorial changes to eliminate obvious typographical errors in the entire individual annual report in order to maintain the transparency of the data and information presented.
With regard to the content of the annual consolidated report of the Issuer’s Capital Group for 2019, the correction was made by:
a) Amendments to the content of the letter to shareholders, taking into account the fact that the Issuer is creating a Capital Group;
b) Presentation of selected financial data in the version corresponding to the content of the consolidated financial statements, converted at the appropriate rate, with the indication that the comparable data for the consolidated balance sheet has been restated;
c) Elimination of obvious typographical errors in the consolidated annual report suggesting that the report relates to individual data and information, by indicating that it concerns consolidated data on the Issuer’s capital group;
d) Updating, correcting and supplementing the information contained in the Management Board’s report on the operations of the Issuer’s Capital Group by eliminating obvious typographical errors, adding a fragment entitled “Events that occurred after the end of the financial year until the date of approval of the financial statements”, updating the section “Commentary on the current and forecast financial position” by referring to data corresponding to the content of the consolidated financial statements; updating the “Risk related to financial results” and “Risk related to key shareholders” by referring to the current data; adding “Risk related to the epidemiological situation and COVID 19”; removing the outdated risk related to the Company’s obligation to pay a contractual penalty; updating of risks with regard to the Capital Group;
e) Including information on the position of the Supervisory Board regarding the refusal to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements, with the proviso that the opinion will be presented after the meeting of the Supervisory Board, which is convened on August 27, 2020 in a separate stock exchange report;
f) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the reliability of the preparation of the consolidated financial statements for the period from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
g) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the entity authorized to audit financial statements in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
h) Making minor editorial changes to eliminate obvious typographical errors in the entire individual annual report in order to maintain the transparency of the data and information presented;
The separate and consolidated annual report for 2019 is supplemented with the justification for the refusal to sign the financial statements by the person entrusted with bookkeeping.
At the same time, the Issuer’s Management Board indicates that the opinion of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board regarding the auditor’s refusal to issue an opinion on the audit of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements will be published after the Supervisory Board meeting to be held on August 27, 2020, in a separate EIB report.
The remaining content of the individual and consolidated annual report has not changed.
The Issuer’s Management Board indicates that the financial data contained in the separate and consolidated financial statements have not changed compared to the data provided in the annual reports published on August 3, 2020
Attached to this report, the Issuer also re-transmits the full content of the individual and consolidated annual report with all attachments.
Legal basis: § 5 sec. 1 point 2) of Appendix No. 3 to the Alternative Trading System Regulations “Current and Periodic Information provided in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market”.
With regard to the content of the Company’s individual annual report for 2019, the correction was made by:
a) Presentation of selected financial data in the version corresponding to the content of the separate financial statements, converted at the appropriate rate, with an indication that the comparable data for the balance sheet has been restated;
b) Updating, correcting and supplementing the information contained in the Management Board’s activity report by eliminating obvious typographical errors, adding a fragment entitled “Events that occurred after the end of the financial year until the date of approval of the financial statements”, updating “Risk related to achieved financial results” and “Risk related to key shareholders” by reference to the current data; adding “Risk related to the epidemiological situation and COVID 19”; removing the outdated risk related to the Company’s obligation to pay a contractual penalty;
c) Including information on the position of the Supervisory Board regarding the refusal to express an opinion on the separate financial statements, with the proviso that the opinion will be presented after the meeting of the Supervisory Board, which is convened on August 27, 2020 in a separate stock exchange report;
d) Supplementing the position of the Management Board regarding the refusal to express an opinion on the separate financial statements;
e) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the reliability of the preparation of the financial statements for the period from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
f) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the entity authorized to audit financial statements in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
g) Updated information on the application by the Company of the Best Practices of NewConnect Listed Companies by indicating that the Issuer, in the current EBI report No. 37/2019, departed from the practice of publishing monthly reports, i.e. from the application of rule No. monthly for January 2020.
h) Making minor editorial changes to eliminate obvious typographical errors in the entire individual annual report in order to maintain the transparency of the data and information presented.
With regard to the content of the annual consolidated report of the Issuer’s Capital Group for 2019, the correction was made by:
a) Amendments to the content of the letter to shareholders, taking into account the fact that the Issuer is creating a Capital Group;
b) Presentation of selected financial data in the version corresponding to the content of the consolidated financial statements, converted at the appropriate rate, with the indication that the comparable data for the consolidated balance sheet has been restated;
c) Elimination of obvious typographical errors in the consolidated annual report suggesting that the report relates to individual data and information, by indicating that it concerns consolidated data on the Issuer’s capital group;
d) Updating, correcting and supplementing the information contained in the Management Board’s report on the operations of the Issuer’s Capital Group by eliminating obvious typographical errors, adding a fragment entitled “Events that occurred after the end of the financial year until the date of approval of the financial statements”, updating the section “Commentary on the current and forecast financial position” by referring to data corresponding to the content of the consolidated financial statements; updating the “Risk related to financial results” and “Risk related to key shareholders” by referring to the current data; adding “Risk related to the epidemiological situation and COVID 19”; removing the outdated risk related to the Company’s obligation to pay a contractual penalty; updating of risks with regard to the Capital Group;
e) Including information on the position of the Supervisory Board regarding the refusal to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements, with the proviso that the opinion will be presented after the meeting of the Supervisory Board, which is convened on August 27, 2020 in a separate stock exchange report;
f) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the reliability of the preparation of the consolidated financial statements for the period from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
g) Submission by the Management Board of a statement on the entity authorized to audit financial statements in accordance with Annex 3 to the Regulations;
h) Making minor editorial changes to eliminate obvious typographical errors in the entire individual annual report in order to maintain the transparency of the data and information presented;
The separate and consolidated annual report for 2019 is supplemented with the justification for the refusal to sign the financial statements by the person entrusted with bookkeeping.
At the same time, the Issuer’s Management Board indicates that the opinion of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board regarding the auditor’s refusal to issue an opinion on the audit of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements will be published after the Supervisory Board meeting to be held on August 27, 2020, in a separate EIB report.
The remaining content of the individual and consolidated annual report has not changed.
The Issuer’s Management Board indicates that the financial data contained in the separate and consolidated financial statements have not changed compared to the data provided in the annual reports published on August 3, 2020
Attached to this report, the Issuer also re-transmits the full content of the individual and consolidated annual report with all attachments.
Legal basis: § 5 sec. 1 point 2) of Appendix No. 3 to the Alternative Trading System Regulations “Current and Periodic Information provided in the Alternative Trading System on the NewConnect market”.
& nbsp;
- Jacek Gnich – President of the Management Board
- Patrycja Wizińska-Socha – Member of the Management Board
Jednostkowy raport za okres 01.01.2019-31.12.2019 tekst jednolity po korekcie z dnia 14 sierpnia 2020r
skonsolidowany raport za okres 01.01.2019-31.12.2019 tekst jednolity po korekcie z dnia 14 sierpnia 2020
Oświadczenie o przyczynie braku podpisu
Opinia biegłego skonsolidowana
Opinia biegłego jednostkowa
Sprawozdanie finansowe jednostkowe Nestmedic S.A. za okres 01.01.2019-31.12.2019
Roczne skonsolidowane sprawozdanie finansowe Nestmedic S.A. za rok obrotowy 2019
Informacja dodatkowa do jednostkowego Sprawozdania za rok 2019 Nestmedic S.A.
Informacja dodatkowa do skonsolidowanego Sprawozdania za rok 2019 Mestmedic S.A.