
30 Jun 2016

Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, a creator of CTG Pregnabit®, awarded a title of “Innovator Of The Year 2016” by the MIT Technology Review

Patrycja Wizińska – Socha, the Nestmedic CEO, who along with her team created a mobile device to monitor well-being of the baby in the last weeks of pregnancy, has been awarded a honorary title of “Innovators Under 35 in Poland” and a title of “Innovator Of The Year 2016” by MIT Technology Review. In the contest, they look for young leaders from different technology areas who contribute to solving global problems and making the world a better place.

In Poland, it has been the second edition of the contest. Out of 150 candidates the jury chose 10 people to be awarded, including Patrycja Wizińska – Socha, who also has got the title of the “Innovator of the Year 2016.” The titles were awarded by the most established technology magazine in the world published by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Patrycja Wizińska – Socha, MD PhD, is a co-founder and the CEO of Nestmedic where Pregnabit®, a wireless testing device to monitor in a safe and reliable way the fetal and maternal heart rates and the uterine contraction activity The test data are then transferred wireless to the Telemonitoring Medical Center, teleCTG, staffed with qualified clinicians operating 24/7.

– We created Pregnabit® for pregnant women for whom prevention is extremely important. The regular monitoring of the baby’s well-being can markedly lower the stress levels a mother-to-be might feel and positively affect her mindset and the way she feels. Early detection of any threats, including by means of a CTG test, can really translate into a quick response and implementation of an appropriate medical procedure, says Patrycja Wizińska-Socha.

This type of a wireless care could turn out to be particularly applicable for monitoring pregnancies with a track record of issues. The device is currently being tested in medical centers across Poland. It is going to go on sale later this year.

29 Jun 2016

Polka laureatką prestiżowej nagrody. Została Innowatorem Roku 2016
Dnia 28 czerwca w Warszawie magazyn MIT Technology Review, należący do Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ogłosił 10 laureatów II edycji konkursu Innovators Under 35 Poland, wyłaniając najbardziej inspirujących młodych innowatorów w kraju. Nagroda na świecie przyznawana jest od 1999 roku. Tytuł Innowatora Roku 2016 zdobyła niespełna 33-letnia dr Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, za innowacyjne rozwiązanie telemedyczne – Pregnabit, urządzenie służące do monitoringu stanu zdrowia dziecka w łonie matki.

28 Jun 2016

Nestmedic as an expert in INNOSHARE, the Innovative Poland Congress

INNOSHARE, the Innovative Poland Congress took place in Warsaw on June 24th-25th. Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, the CEO of Nestmedic was asked to take part in a discussion panel. “Professors and Doctors in Business: How to Be Innovative and Entrepreneurial.” The panel was held by Krzysztof Mroczkowski from Innovative Poland. The goal of the meeting was to shaw role-models and identify challenges and recommendations in order to improve co-operation at the science-business touchpoint. Having knowledge and experience in both areas, Patrycja Wizińska – Socha had an opportunity to share her observations with the panelists and the audience.

We would like to thank the organizers for recognizing Nestmedic as a company that can serve as a role-model in the Polish economy and for having us in the conference.
