
23 Nov 2016

Pregnabit has become a certified medical project
The Pregnabit manufacturer has just received a CE certificate and ISO 13485 which enable us to sell our product across the European Union. In December, our company is to start selling its product in the form of an innovative subscription model. We are to offer CTG diagnostic services dedicated for gynecologists and obstetricians. Bearing in mind the development of the global telemedicine market, Nestmedic is planning to sell not only in Poland but also in foreign markets. Nestmedic is running another round of financing, having recently signed a cooperation agreement with Capital One Advisers, an advisory company, an authorized advisor of NewConnect.

23 Nov 2016

Nestmedic invited to the Presidential Palace
Nestmedic is one of six companies invited, presented its Pregnabit device during an official signature that the President put down under a new act on innovation in the Presidential Palace. The new law provides for, among other things, abolishing income tax on intellectual property introduced to a company as of January 1, 2017. Also, the new law provides small and medium-sized companies with a possibility of deducting from the due tax the cost of obtaining a patent. Thank you for the recognition and invitation.
More information on the involvement of Nestmedic and Pregnabit in th following video,412130,gowin-ustawa-o-innowacyjnosci-to-pomost-laczacy-naukowcow-z-przedsiebiorcami.html

22 Nov 2016

KTG Pregnabit – polska innowacja dla lekarzy i położnych
W Polsce przychodzi na świat ponad 370 tysięcy dzieci rocznie. Mimo nieustannych postępów w medycynie nie wszystkie ciąże kończą się szczęśliwie. Wrocławska firma Nestmedic chce pomóc lekarzom i położnym doprowadzić każdą ciążę do szczęśliwego rozwiązania. Jak? Dzięki KTG Pregnabit, którego sprzedaż ruszy jeszcze w tym roku.