
28 Mar 2019

Innovative solutions during E(x)plory

We have attended the 8th E(x)plory Congress, an event dedicated to inventors and innovators interested in the transfer of their technologies. The keynote theme of this year’s edition was: “Where Technology Meets Business”.

Photo Archive Grupy Vidoq

Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, CEO of Nestmedic S.A., was invited to attend a panel of experts: “Transfer of Innovative Technology: Possibilities, Opportunities and Methods.” During the session, she focused on the key steps on the way between an innovative concept and its market implementation, which every start-up must follow. She also tried to answer the question: What is particularly important and helpful along that path? In her opinion, a clearly defined goal, enthusiasm and consistency in all efforts to achieve that goal are all a must. Last but not least, it will be the investors who not only provide an indispensable financial support, but also act as active partners in the process of business planning and creation. This considerably shortens the commercialisation path.

Following the panel of experts, 15 teams presented their innovative ideas in the area of advanced technologies. And it must be said that the level of innovation and diversity of their presentations was truly impressive.

If you are interested in more details about the Congress, please visit the event website:


13 Mar 2019

Pregnabit in the final of the INSPIRATIONS 2018 – Safe Hospital of the Future

We reached the final of the INSPIRATIONS 2018 contest and we took the fourth place together with the Women and Child Health Center of the City Hospital in Zabrze. This is an excellent result, especially since we started cooperation with the hospital in Zabrze recently!

 Fot. archive IDEA Trade

The INSPIRATIONS competition promotes people, institutions, hospitals, non-governmental organisations and companies that in particular have contributed to the promotion of new ideas, solutions and technologies in the past year, increasing the safety of patients and hospital staff. Together with the Women and Child Health Center of the City Hospital in Zabrze, we have submitted the project ” Mother’s and Child’s health always in the Center thanks to telemedical CTG “, whose aim is to provide the highest quality of care and safety to patients in the third trimester of pregnancy and their children through increased cardiotocographic surveillance. The added value is the increase in the comfort of patients, who can be monitored at any place and time, between visits to a medical facility. The goal is implemented by providing patients of the Women and Child Health Center of the City Hospital in Zabrze with a mobile Pregnabit device, enabling the CTG data to be recorded by the patient, at home and assessed by the Medical Telemonitoring Center, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Many projects have been submitted, the more we enjoy the fourth place in the category “Measures and actions improving the quality of life and health”. We are happy that we can implement it together with our partner, the Women and Child Health Center of the City Hospital in Zabrze.

The organizer of the INSPIRATIONS competition is IDEA Trade in cooperation with “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”. The president of the chapter is M.D. Marek Tombarkiewicz, director of the Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation. The honorary patronage over INSPIRATIONS 2018 was taken by the Chief Sanitary Inspector, M.D. Jarosław Pinkas.
