Telemedic company NESTMEDIC SA obtained a patent for its flagship product Pregnabit. The subject of the patent is a tele CTG system for monitoring the well-being of the fetus and mother, which includes a mobile CTG device. The patent protection for this device will be valid on the territory of Poland until 2032.
CTG examination is the “gold standard” of prenatal care performed for every woman in the third trimester of pregnancy. The Pregnabit telemedicine system enables CTG examinations to be performed anywhere and anytime, without need to visit hospital. The Preganbit system is used by patients in Poland and abroad. In 2019, the system was used to conduct 3,093 examinations in Poland.
– Granting patent protection for the system Pregnabit is a very important event for NESTMEDIC. This document formally confirms that the technology developed by us is unique on a global scale and makes our product credible in the eyes of current and future contractors. The obtained patent covers the territory of Poland, and in the coming months we are planning further patent applications of international scope, as well as continuation of efforts to ensure international protection of our trademarks. – comments Jacek Gnich, President of NESTMEDIC.
Nestmedic to facilitate access to tele CTG for pregnant women Pregnabit has launched the possibility of renting Pregnabit devices via its website. The courier will deliver them to the address indicated within 48 hours. The cost of the subscription is very reasonable This service will reduce the number of visits to health centers, which is particularly important in times of epidemiological threats.