
8th Meet-up TOP500 Innovators: we are part of it

Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, CEO of Nestmedic S.A. is going to take part in a panel discussion during the 8th Meet-up TOP500 Innovators, which will take place between 8 and 10 May in Wrocław. This time, Meet-up TOP500 Innovators has joined forces with another important event: the Polish-American Innovation Bridge.

According to the host of the event, the TOP500 Innovators Association – the largest non-governmental organisation in Poland, bringing together members of the scientific community, technology transfer professionals, innovation and project management experts, start-ups, and representatives of the high technology industry: “Poland is still very far down in the innovation ranking. Being in the bottom 4th is not something that could inspire optimism… On the other hand, an increasing number of Polish start-ups are taking a great risk and try to become players on the global market. As the »Structure of Start-Ups in Poland and their Financing« report says, we currently have about 3000 start-ups, of which 46% cooperate with scientists, 29% have their own laboratory facilities, and every fifth one has been founded by scientists. So how to multiply good practices, exchange knowledge, and be able to develop the teams? And from a more philosophical perspective: How to make the dreams of technology development come true as dynamically growing technology companies?”

Patrycja Wizińska-Socha, CEO of Nestmedic S.A. is one of the guest-speakers, invited to the event to participate in the panel discussion: “MedTech-related start-up technology companies”.

You can find more about the event at: